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How to Draw Avengers Logo Using Python Programming?

    Avengers Logo Making Using Python Turtle Graphics CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE VIDEO Hey there myself Diptesh Biswas and WELCOME to my BLOG.................. STEP 1:-  Open Visual Studio Code STEP 2:-  Copy this code (given below) STEP 3:-  Paste it into Visual Studio Code STEP 4:-  Run it......and enjoy If you like my coding-related videos...then subscribe to my channel.....and subscribe my blog for more technical facts........... CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE FILE


We all have heard about Computer Programming gaining a lot of popularity in the past 2-3 decades. So many students go for a Computer Science stream in order to get a job and better placement at their dream technological companies - Google, Amazon, Facebook, Microsoft, Apple, etc.

What is programming?

In this blog post, I will discuss the term “programming” and understand its usage.

Understanding Programming in Layman Terms

Programming is a way to “instruct the computer to perform various tasks”.

Let us discuss this briefly............

“Instruct the computer”: This basically means that you are providing the computer a set of instructions that are written in a language that the computer can easily understand. The instructions could be of various types. 
For example:
  •  Adding numbers
  • Subtract numbers
Just like we humans can understand a few languages (English, Spanish, French, etc.), so in the case of computers. Computers understand only in binary format, so instructions and commands that are written in a specific syntactical form are called a programming language.

“Perform various tasks”: The tasks could be simple ones like we discussed above (adding 2 numbers, rounding off a number) or complex ones which may involve a sequence of multiple instructions.
For example:

  • Calculating simple interest, given principal, rate, and time.
  • Calculating the average return on a stock over the last 6 years.
The above two tasks require complex calculations. They cannot usually be expressed in simple instructions like adding 2 numbers, etc.

Hence, in short, Programming is a way to instruct computers to perform a specific task.

Why should you learn Computer Programming?

Now, after knowing so many things about programming, the big question to be answered is - why should you learn Computer Programming?
Let us understand why:
  • Programming is fun: Using programming languages, you can create your own games, your websites, personal blog page, and profile page, a social networking site like Facebook, a search engine like Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc, or an e-commerce platform like Amazon, Flipkart, etc. And creating your own games and putting them on the Play store and getting thousands and thousands of downloads. 
  • The backbone of a Technological Companies: The backbone of today's technological companies like Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, IBM, and many others, are giant computer programs written by the hard work and collaboration of thousands of skilled programmers. If you have the right business acumen, knowing programming can help you create the next big tech company.
  • Good salary: Computers Programmers are paid extremely well almost all across the world. Top programmers in Silicon Valley make millions of dollars every single year. A few companies offer to start salaries as high as $100,000 per year.
So, that was about the very basics of Computer programming knowledge. Hope you enjoyed reading it. Computer Programming is a huge field and there is a lot to explore further. Keep learning and keep exploring. Please feel free to post your doubts in the comments section. Please don’t worry if you feel that your doubt is maybe silly. Every question/doubt is important. There's no such thing as a stupid question.
If you want to know more explore here


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