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How to Draw Avengers Logo Using Python Programming?

    Avengers Logo Making Using Python Turtle Graphics CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE VIDEO Hey there myself Diptesh Biswas and WELCOME to my BLOG.................. STEP 1:-  Open Visual Studio Code STEP 2:-  Copy this code (given below) STEP 3:-  Paste it into Visual Studio Code STEP 4:-  Run it......and enjoy If you like my coding-related videos...then subscribe to my channel.....and subscribe my blog for more technical facts........... CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE FILE

How to Draw Avengers Logo Using Python Programming?


 Avengers Logo Making Using Python Turtle Graphics

Hey there myself Diptesh Biswas and WELCOME to my BLOG..................

STEP 1:- Open Visual Studio Code

STEP 2:- Copy this code (given below)

STEP 3:- Paste it into Visual Studio Code

STEP 4:- Run it......and enjoy

If you like my coding-related videos...then subscribe to my channel.....and subscribe my blog for more technical facts...........



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PYTHON PROGRAMMING Hey there myself Diptesh Biswas and WELCOME to my BLOG.................. STEP 1:- Open Visual Studio Code STEP 2:- Copy this code (given below) STEP 3:- Paste it into Visual Studio Code STEP 4:- Run it......and enjoy If you like my coding-related videos...then subscribe to my channel.....and subscribe my blog for more technical facts........... HOW TO DO IT...CLICK HERE TO OPEN COPY THIS TEXT FOR THE TURTLE GRAPHICS DESIGN import turtle wn = turtle.Screen()         wn.setup(768,768)         wn.title( "Sharp Art Coding Creations" ) wn.bgcolor( "#444444" ) #color1 v = turtle.Turtle() v.color( 'red' ) v.speed(100) v.up() v.seth( - 90) v.fd(100) v.seth(1) v.fd(79) v.down() v.begin_fill() v.color( '#0dcc80' ) v.pensize(1) v.seth(80),51) v.fd(18) v.seth(150) - 50,37) - 250,23) v.seth(88) v.fd(80) v.seth(90) - 120,45) - 45,21) v.seth(40) - 100,49) #v.fd(78) v.seth(

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